Each selected candidate shall have to complete RIF form(s) provided by the institute and to submit the same along with 2 stamp size photographs and other required documents to the office within the scheduled time and the requisite fees. Students who will fulfill the above-mentioned requirements can be enrolled in the program.
Basic Foundation Courses
The institute takes initiative to offer a Basic Foundation Course for admitted student with free of cost. Basic Foundation Course includes Basic Mathematics, Fundamental English, Fundamentals of Computer, Statistics and or Accounting courses to enhance the basic knowledge so that they could coup up the Academic course easily. The duration of BFC is 2 Month. Every student must have attained the Prerequisite BFC course. Without the completion of the prerequisite course(s), students will not be allowed to register course(s).
Change of Program/Department
Students may change his/her program/Department by submitting written requests to the Concerned Heads of the Departments. If permitted by the Heads of the Departments, the Registrar’s Office will take the necessary change to the student’s record.
Minimum Attendance in the Class
Students are expected to attend classes regularly. A student would be required to attend at least 85% of classes in every course in order to sit for the Final Exam. Students having less than 85% attendance but more than 60% can be allowed to sit in examinations as non-collegiate students. Rules applicable for non-collegiate students will be applied on them.
Cancellation of Admission
Cancellation of admission is not permitted unless otherwise they have proper ground. The institute will decided subject to taking viva of guardian and after receiving required payments. It is mentionable that all admission shall have to be cancelled by National University or Bangladesh Technical Education Board.
Student absence in Final Examination will not be promoted to the next semester. They shall have to readmit in the following semester by paying readmission fees with application to the respective department subject to validity of registration.
Improvement or Retake
Students failing to attain examination in maximum 2 courses or receiving F, D or C grade in the semester final examination may promoted in the next semester but they have to improve their grade in the subsequent examination. Improvement or Retake fees will be applicable in this case.
Undergraduate or Graduate students must have submit Project/Thesis paper as notified by the department of the institute. It is mentionable that no chance of improvement would be given for Project/Thesis. Internship/ Project/Thesis fees will be applicable in this regard.
Period of Time for Completion of Degree
The maximum allowable time for completion of any undergraduate degree will be 6 (six) years’, for any graduate degree 3 (four) years’, and for any 4 years’ diploma degree it is 6 years’.